Planning Application reference no. Y19/0257/FH
One major development contained in the “Core Strategy”, but not in the earlier “Places and Policies Local Plan”, is the development of Otterpool as a new garden town to be developed over 30 years with up to 10,000 dwellings, schools, employment areas, a district centre and much open space.
An application for outline planning permission for the Otterpool Park new garden settlement was originally submitted in February 2019 No decision has yet been made. What remains to be discussed locally in Hythe is how this will affect Hythe both in the short term and in the long term. Details of the Otterpool development can be accessed at https://www.folkestone-hythe.gov.uk/otterpoolpark
A useful summary of the Otterpool planning application can be found at: https://www.folkestone-hythe.gov.uk/media/5055/OP6-Guide-to-the-Planning-Application-2022/pdf/OP6_Guide_to_the_Planning_Application.pdf?m=637860849101670000