Hythe in Bloom operates under the auspices of Hythe Civic Society and, since 2004, it has worked hard to provide summer and winter floral displays in and around Hythe, including tubs in the High Street and railing-mounted troughs in Prospect Road.

All the displays – vibrant, in shades of hot-pink, red and white - are now in place for this summer and Hythe is looking wonderfully colourful again. A very welcome addition to the team of volunteer waterers this year is a group of enthusiastic students from Brockhill Park Performing Arts College. With the help of Hythe Rotary Club they are doing a wonderful job in the High Street keeping the plants looking their best despite the heat. Contributions to the project this year have been received from Hythe Civic Society and Hythe Town Council. Commercial sponsors who have made generous contributions are: Lawrence and Co Estate Agents, Gopak and Charlier Construction.

Sally Chesters, organiser of Hythe in Bloom, said, ‘It is wonderful to see an energetic group of students and keen Rotarians taking on the role of waterers for two weeks this summer. Their contribution makes a huge difference to the look of the town for both residents and visitors and is very much appreciated.’