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Hythe in Bloom

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

Established in 2004, Hythe in Bloom (HIB) was born as a partnership between the Civic Society and the Hythe Chamber of Commerce – now the Hythe Business and Tourism Association.

With funding provided by SEEDA, concrete planters were purchased by the Society, installed along the High Street and planted with floral displays to provide colour to the town. Now, many years later, Hythe in Bloom is still going strong: from small beginnings, with just the High Street planters to care for, our area of responsibility has grown to include most of the railing planters in Prospect Road – 33 are provided by HIB, six by FHDC. To cover the cost of the plants and compost for the High Street and the plants, compost and watering in Prospect Road, we receive funding from several quarters – including commercial sponsors and Hythe Town Council.

We have also taken on responsibility for a number of flower beds in Hythe and organise a group of volunteers who meet every Tuesday morning to assist the grounds maintenance staff at FHDC. Recently, we replanted the Princess Diana Sensory Garden at Oaklands and we plan additional planting in the wide borders by the War Memorial.

Back in 2011, we began a programme of daffodil bulb planting and so far we have brought spring colour to Tanners Hill, London Road, Green Lane, Military Road, Prospect Road and St Leonard’s churchyard, with lots more planting planned. Also, in 2016 we supported the Rotary Club ‘Purple for Polio’ campaign by planting 5,000 purple crocus corms in Mackeson Square: they look lovely in the spring!

Early in 2017, a number of HIB volunteers joined forces with Saltwood Village Society to form ‘The Friends of Sandling Station’. The group cut back all the overgrown flowerbeds and- with the support of Southeastern Railways - has re-planted with colourful, robust planting.

The key to the success of HIB is the team of volunteers who plant, water and maintain the troughs in the High Street during both summer and winter and who give up their time throughout the year to carry out other tasks as they arise. Without them HIB could not continue and Hythe would be a far less colourful place. We are always looking for more hands to join us so, if you are interested, please Contact us.

Hythe in Bloom Wins Award:

In 2018 Hythe in Bloom entered the ’Parishes in Bloom’ category of the South & South East in Bloom Competition, the largest horticultural campaign in the region involving hundreds of communities each year. Participating communities create lasting improvements to their local environment for the benefit of those who live, work and visit there. Hythe won a silver-gilt award. Well done, team!

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